
MECC, city sponsors host school supplies bash

Kinsey Dennison gives Lanceson Etsitty a back-to-school haircut in 2014.

The Montelores Early Childhood Council and city of Cortez, Cortez Retail Enhancement Association and Cortez Public Library will sponsor a Back to School Bash at the Third Thursday Market on Aug. 16.

It will be held from 5-8 p.m. at Montezuma Park, at Montezuma Avenue and Market Street.

MECC is currently asking for donations including backpacks, pencils, paper (lined college and wide-ruled), folders, spiral notebooks, crayons, markers, glue, glue sticks, scissors, highlighters, ballpoint pens, rulers, socks and water bottles.

Young attendees will get a backpack and book, supplies and socks while supplies last. Haircuts also will be available.

Drop-off donations are at New Country Auto Center in Cortez, Montelores Early Child Council office at 925 South Broadway, Cortez Welcome Center, Cortez Public Library, Mancos P&D Grocery and Cortez Dollar Tree.

MECC encourages parents who are shopping for their children to purchase two items and donate one. Cash donations also are welcome at

Volunteers, including hair cutters, may call MECC at 970-564-3211.

Jul 23, 2018
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