
Sheriff’s Blotter

Monday, Jan. 2

7:25 p.m. A man received a summons in the 3000 block of U.S. Highway 160 on suspicion of driving without insurance.

Tuesday, Jan. 3

8:32 a.m.: A male passenger in a car near mile marker 7 on Colorado Highway 145 was arrested on an active warrant.

1:01 p.m.: Two men reported the theft of tires on wheels valued at $700 and a fuel tank worth $500 at a residence in the 5600 block of U.S. Highway 491.

Tuesday, Jan. 3

7:55 p.m. A man was arrested at Montezuma County Detention Center on a failure to appear warrant.

9:08 p.m. A man was arrested at Montezuma County Detention Center on a failure to comply warrant.

Wednesday, Jan. 4

1 p.m. A man was arrested at Montezuma County Court on a failure to appear warrant.

2:55 p.m. A deputy responded to a fire at a residence in the 25000 block of County Road N.6. It was determined to be accidental after the male resident said he had been burning the end of a nylon rope to prevent fraying, and left it in the garage without realizing it was still burning.

5:25 p.m. A woman was arrested at Montezuma County Detention Center on an active warrant.

5:25 p.m. A man was arrested at Montezuma County Detention Center on an active warrant.

Thursday, Jan. 5

8:10 p.m.: A man was served a warrant at the Montezuma County jail, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Jan 19, 2017
Sheriff’s blotter
Jan 19, 2017
Police Blotter
Jan 13, 2017
Sheriff’s Blotter
Jan 13, 2017
Police Blotter