Osprey donates packs to Montezuma County students

Osprey Packs ‘invests in the community’ with donation

Osprey Packs donated backpacks to students throughout Montezuma County in the past few weeks.

According to Trina Lee, English language learner coordinator for School District Re-1, Osprey has been donating packs to students for two years.

“We have been partnering with Osprey for ... our second year now,” Lee said. “They just want to support education in our schools and in the area by getting backpacks in the hands of students who need them.”

Teachers and administrators decide which students need the packs most. Lee said Osprey gives about 30 packs to each school, with a few more to Montezuma-Cortez High School.

Osprey sees the donations as in investment in the future of Cortez and surrounding areas.

Contributions such as these meet the needs of the communities, organizations and individuals where we live work and play,” said Osprey social media specialist Kami York-Feirn, reading from a statement. “It is Osprey’s hopes that they serve to encourage students by giving them the tools they need to succeed while contributing to their future success – ours and that of the local community.”

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