
Homecoming parade planned for Mancos Principal Cathy Epps

Principal injured in Jan. 2 crash

A homecoming parade for Mancos Elementary Principal Cathy Epps will take place Friday about 4 p.m.

For the past several weeks, Epps has been in Denver at Craig Hospital recovering from a Jan. 2 crash north of Mancos. She will return with family members Friday afternoon.

People interested in joining the parade are asked to line up anywhere on Grand Avenue from Main Street to Monte Street.

Call the school at 533-7744 for more information. A Facebook page, “Friendsof Cathy Epps,” has been set up to keep people updated.

A fundraiser will be held for Epps on March 11 at 7 p.m. at Millwood Junction, featuring a performance by Sweetwater Station. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Millwood Junction or Absolute Bakery. All proceeds will go toward medical expenses for Epps.