
Tibetan monks return to Durango

Creation of sand mandala began Tuesday

Six Tibetan monks from the Gaden Shartse Monastery in India will be in Durango until July 17 to offer teachings and blessings.

Peaceful Heart of Durango, a volunteer organization, will help host events throughout the week.

This will be the monks’ fourth visit to Durango. They depend on donations for their survival.

“They visit the States every few years, and we are lucky to be one of their stops,” said Suzanne Tyrpak, a volunteer with Peaceful Heart of Durango. “There are approximately 1,600 monks, students and refugees at their monastery in India. Donations will provide food, education materials and upkeep for their monastery. They live on $2 a day in India, so every dollar helps, and it is tax deductible.”

At 11 a.m. Tuesday, the monks will begin constructing a sand mandala at Sorrel Sky Gallery and dedicate it to the Buddha of Wisdom.

It takes anywhere from 75 to 125 hours to complete the mandala, which is created by hand from colorful sand.

The mandala will be ritualistically dismantled at 4 p.m. July 15, when the monks will pour it into the Animas River as a symbol of life’s impermanence. Attendees will receive a small portion of the sand as a remembrance.

The monks also will offer personal, home and business blessings by appointment.

Donations are accepted at all events, but no one will be turned away.

If you go

Tibetan monks of the Gaden Shartse Monastery events:

Monday: 5:30 p.m., Durango Dharma Center, 1800 East Third Ave. Monks Talk, “Death, Bardo, and Rebirth.” Suggested donation $10-$20.

Tuesday: 11 a.m., Sorrel Sky Gallery, 828 Main Ave. Mandala Opening Ceremony, Welcome the monks as they begin construction of a sand mandala dedicated to the Buddha of Wisdom – a five day process.

Tuesday: 7 p.m., Himalayan Kitchen, 992 Main Ave. Tibetan-style debate on peace and compassion. Suggested donation $10-$20.

Wednesday– July 15: 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sorrel Sky Gallery, 828 Main Ave. Construction of a sand mandala (a 75 to 125-hour process).

Wednesday: 5:30 p.m., Durango Dharma Center, 1800 East Third Ave. Monks Talk, “The Six Perfections.” Suggested donation $10-$20.

Thursday: 6:30 p.m., Yoga Durango, 1485 Florida Rd., Bldg. C #201 (upstairs). Ritual Chanting. Suggested donation $10-$20.

Friday: 7 p.m., Himalayan Kitchen, 992 Main Ave. Monks Talk, Climate Change and the Six Delusions. Suggested Donation: $10-$20.

July 15: 4 p.m., Sorrel Sky Gallery, 828 Main Ave. Sand Mandala Closing Ceremony. The monks will carry the mandala to the Animas River and offer their creation to the flowing waters – signifying life’s impermanence. Attendees receive a small portion of sand as a remembrance.

July 15: 7 p.m., St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 910 East Third Ave. World Peace and Unity of Religions. The monks join local religious leaders for a discussion.

To schedule a blessing, call Samantha at 769-2494.