Della Francisco and family grateful for support

The family of Johnnie A. Francisco would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the friends and family who supported us in so many ways during this difficult time of losing our loved one.

A special appreciation to Kinsey and her staff at Ertel Funeral Home for meeting our requests; to Father Pat and all the Catholic Church members who gave us such a beautiful service; to all those involved with the lovely dinner, especially Ida and Darrell Mott and the Lea Sanchez family for helping to bring, organize and serve the food.

We are so grateful for the nurses Lisa and Hillary for the outstanding service they provided and for standing by our side to the very end.

We were truly touched by the American Legion members for their special recognition of Johnnie and his service to our country.

Finally, thank you to the first responders who treated us with the kindest of words and compassion.


Della Francisco and Family