
‘Outlaw’ horses, skinny dogs and love as a verb

Tom James

Every so often, someone brings me a horse that, at no real fault of its own other than the passage of time, has gotten big and strong and is used to doing whatever it wants, whenever it wants.

When asked to change, these horses are more likely to bite, kick, buck, crash into the corral panels or rear up and fall over backwards.

I realize that, had they been human, such horses would be politicians. There is a cure for these “outlaw” horses and, while not all that pretty, it works and the dogs get fed.

I don’t take a political “side” because I don’t care. I find it doubtful that any of the “we can change the world” folks are going to change anything that lessens their power and control. So, it’s back to the outlaw horses and skinny dogs.

When that twit from Texas got elected, they were going to change it from what Bill had turned it into. When Barry got elected, they were going to change it from what the twit had turned it into.

Now Donny’s up there, trying to change it from what Barry turned it into. The common denominator is that they still have all the power and all the control.

Politics and philosophy: Ain’t it a hoot? I’m curious why Plato and Socrates didn’t have last names.

Speaking of philosophy, you ever think about love? Man, I do. But I have a lot of time to think.

Love. The thing that makes your heart race, turns the butterflies in your stomach into condors and makes your brain seem like a flag on a windmill blade in a West Texas wind.

Did you ever love someone you couldn’t have who was still in your world? Now that’s tricky, maybe one of the greatest gifts in life.

I was talking to the horses about it this morning and, as much as I hoped that they “got” it, they didn’t. It appears it’s the human condition.

Well, I reckon I’d rather love. What’s the worst that could happen? I’d die from it? We are born dying. Try using love as a verb instead of a noun today and see how it all plays out.

Until a horse falls down on me....

Tom James was riding horses before he could walk. He currently hangs his hat in Ignacio. Reach him at

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