
Thank You Communities helped make Parade of Lights a success

The 28th Annual 4 Corners Board of Realtors Parade of Lights was once again a huge success, and we would like to thank everyone that makes this event so special!

The 4 Corners Board of Realtors sponsors the Parade of Lights each year as our Thank You to the communities we serve. Without the support of our communities this event would not be the success it is, and we sincerely appreciate everyone that takes the time to build and enter floats, the attendees that brave the cold to enjoy the Parade, and all of the support from the communities. We would like to be sure to thank our judges this year, Lily Jameson-Cash from KSJD, Ryan Robison from the Sunflower Theater, and Swarvoski Little for volunteering. We very much appreciate the judges making a special effort to be sure all entries are judged fairly without special preference to anyone in particular! A special thanks to our Grand Marshal, Osprey Packs, Cortez Retail Enhancement, the City of Cortez Police Department, City crews and staff, the fairgrounds staff for donation of stage, Notah Dineh for the use of their parking lot, Colorado Title Services, Mon-Do Title Company, KSJD Radio, Cortez, Dolores, Mancos, and Dove Creek Schools and businesses for promoting the parade and for encouraging participation, Cortez Journal, and the special members and affiliates of the 4 Corners Board of Realtors for ensuring this event continues year after year. We also would like to offer our special thanks to the winners of the Parade that chose to donate their winnings to charitable organizations, this truly is what makes our communities strong, the selfless generosity of those that give back. The next Parade of Lights will again be held on the first Saturday of December, 2018, we are already beginning our search for next year’s Grand Marshal and next year’s Parade Judges…See you there.

Terry McCabe/Chairperson

4 Corners Board of Realtors/Parade Of Lights