
80 years ago Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, Jan. 24, 1936

Cahone rabbit drive

Another big rabbit drive is to be started “out west” Sunday and all shooters, old and young, are asked to take their shotguns and drive out. The drive will take place at the Cahone School house, and later in the day dinner will be served by ladies of the Cahone community.

Chill weather

Three degrees below zero is the lowest temperature registered by the Star thermometer so far this winter and this mark was reached Saturday night. Fourteen degrees below zero was reported at Pagosa Springs however none of this is anything to cry about.

Trucker fees

Officials of Rocky Mountain motorists want to remedy the barriers against motor transportation at state lines. Difficulties encountered by Colorado commercial travelers include being charged additional registration fees, and is some cases property taxes when visiting their customers in surrounding states. The trucking condition has become especially serious. So greedy are the tax collectors of the states that a trucker hauling goods from one market to another can be “”frisked” several times en-route on both sides of each state line.