
‘I learned to trust’ Democrats with U.S. economy

In the U.S., we have the odd impression that presidents ought to be Superman, being able to resolve any issue and being responsible for all mishaps. No other developed country puts so much value into one person. Far more important is the ability of the president and his advisers to select qualified people and create an effective team leading to beneficial outcomes.

That’s why it is important to get away from divisive partisanship and look at which party has served us better.

When comparing economic growth since 1933, our economy grew 4.6% under Democratic leaderships versus 2.6% under Republican leadership.

This is equally true for our deficit spending, which has consistently been lower with Democrats in charge. The last balanced budget under President Clinton was quickly given away by tax cuts, which have never paid for themselves, while Trump added almost $9 trillion, or twice as much to the federal debt than Biden.

Finally, for the past 30 years, job growth has doubled under Democrats versus Republican leadership.

All this comes back to which of the two parties builds a more committed team serving our country. Regardless of the party in charge, for the past 30 years I learned to trust Democratic leadership.

Please Google and convince yourself about the above and other data. It only takes a few minutes to realize which party is better for our country instead of hoping for Superman to solve all ills!

Werner Heiber
