
‘If Democrats win in November’

Let me prophesize what living in America will be like if the Democrats win in November. It’s not hard – past performance, actions and policy are the basis for my predications.

Energy: The war on fossil fuels will continue. Our reliance on foreign oil will increase. Demand for energy will increase, supply will decrease, resulting in raising costs.

Economics: Taxes will increase. This includes taxes in unrealized capital gains in our IRAs and 401Ks. Deficit spending will be the norm. Our national deficits will explode. Inflation will remain persistent. Our GDP will be low. Low productivity and higher prices for everyday goods and services.

Crime: Crime in the entire country will continue to increase. Soft on crime legislation, and a continued push for reduced sentencing and punishment has led to unchecked criminal behavior in many rural and urban cities. Businesses are closing because of increased criminal and vandalistic behavior. And we have tied the hands of our law enforcement agencies to bring perpetrators to justice.

Electoral College: Illegals will be given citizenship, and they will be counted in census data. This will give the Democrats never ending power.

Education: Our youth will continue to be undereducated. Under performing public education will continue to get fully funded.

Judicial System: The Supreme Court will be expanded and packed with liberal judges. The lower court will continue to be filled with liberal judges.

Gerry Cuca
