Farmington High lockdown caused by man ‘not in a sober state of mind’

Kinney faces multiple charges in May 17 school incident
Jason Kinney, 39, was arrested May 17 after his actions reportedly sent Farmington High School in full lockdown.

More details have surfaced regarding the May 17 lockdown at Farmington High School.

Jason Kinney, 39, reportedly entered the school at 9:20 a.m. and asked to “see a counselor,” but when office staff requested he sign in as a visitor, police said he “struggled to use the visitor check-in kiosk” and appear to be “not in a sober state of mind,” according to the affidavit for arrest warrant.

The school resource officer attempted to find out why Kinney was at the school, after the man “sat down at a desk and never successfully checked in.” He reportedly told the officer about his “life struggles,” but did not say anything about having a student in the school, the affidavit states.

Kinney was asked to leave, but then stated “he was going to check out his two kids,” the affidavit states.

Police said Kinney acted “angrily” toward the officer who asked him to leave, and he walked over to the checkout sheet “writing all over the log sheet and not signing out a student like normal,” according to the affidavit.

The officer and high school office staff again asked Kinney to leave, but “he grabbed onto the front desk partition,” the affidavit states.

At this point, the officer took Kinney by the arm and tried to “escort him away from the front desk,” but he reportedly pulled away and argued, saying he was being mistreated, the affidavit states.

The office attempted a restraint technique but Kinney pulled away and allegedly resisted and “struggled,” at one point his “head collided” with the officer’s face, and the officer thought Kinney was trying to “head-butt” him, the affidavit states.

After this struggle Kinney “fell to the ground,” where the officer attempted to hold him, but the man managed to reportedly use his fist to “crush” the officer’s “sunglasses, which had fallen off during the struggle,” the affidavit states.

Once Kinney was handcuffed, police say he still “struggled and resisted,” according to the affidavit.

When the other officer’s arrived, Kinney reportedly told authorities that “people were putting stuff in the walls affecting his water,” and that he “was worried about his drink; it was a green monster,” the affidavit states.

Kinney reportedly was speaking “quick and slurred” and police reported that he was not acting as a “normal sober individual.” However, he refused a breath test, so police received a warrant for a blood draw, according to the affidavit.

Kinney had a criminal history of three prior drunken driving arrests, and police stated he drove to Farmington High School, so he was arrested on a fourth-degree felony aggravated DWI, which was a fourth for him, the affidavit states.

Kinney also was charged with a fourth-degree felony battery upon a peace officer, and the rest are misdemeanors of resisting, evading or obstructing an officer, criminal damage to property, criminal trespass and interference with public officers or the general public.

Kinney was booked into the San Juan County Detention Center at 4:29 p.m. May 17 and was released to pretrial services at 3:20 p.m. May 20.

A preliminary hearing was set at 8:30 a.m. May 29 in Farmington Magistrate Court.