
What about amendment ‘Trump subverted?’

This entire snotty screed is just a lump of dough – uninformed and meaningless. In a letter on April 14, with the headline “Editors at the Herald are myopic,” the writer said, “smart citizens vote for the policies of the candidate.” Not a person.

Yet her candidate Donald Trump has no stated policies in support of his candidacy. She says “all of the amendments” are something informed voters should care about.

Does she mean the one Trump subverted, including Article II, Section 1 that says, “And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate.”

Furthermore, Joe Biden has done more than any president to curb inflation (for which Trump was mostly responsible). Trump showed nothing but disdain for the military and veterans during his entire administration. He blathered on and on about infrastructure, and did nothing to address it.

Trump is an indicted criminal on a multitude of counts, a liar, an unfaithful husband, a coward, an instigator of insurrection and a man that any healthy 5-year-old would instinctively distrust.

Were I to call this letter writer a complete moron for trusting Trump, would anyone believe me? We will find out all too soon come November.

Jeff Wagner
