Meet-and-greet for Cortez library director candidates is May 9

Community members who attend can provide insight and feedback on the candidates to the director position selection committee.
National search for a director produces three candidates

Residents can meet the three finalists for the position of Cortez Public Library director on Thursday, May 9, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at City Hall, 123 Roger Smith Ave.

The three finalists were selected during a national search for a new director.

At the meet-and-greet, residents will be able to meet and speak with the finalists before the director is chosen.

“Our library is a cornerstone of our community and serves a very diverse population in many different ways. It is important to select the right individual who will set and meet the high standards our users deserve,” a news release from the city said.

Those who attend will also be able to have their voices heard by providing feedback, insight and observations to the director selection committee.