
Colorado State University to host Native education forum

Colorado State University is hosting a five-day education program for Native American high school students. (Colorado State University NEF)
The forum is a precollege summer program for Native high school students

From Monday, June 3 to Friday, June 7, Colorado State University will be hosting a Native Education Forum, which was created to help rising senior Native American high school students and incoming Native American freshmen learn more about college at CSU.

Priority registration ends April 5.

According to information provided by CSU, this program helps students gain experience in a university classroom, earn one academic college credit, research “issues critical to tribal communities” and receive help with college applications, scholarships and insight into the application process.

The five-day program will take place on CSU’s campus, and students will have the opportunity to learn about the majors and career pathways offered by CSU, as well as hearing from Native American faculty and current students “through open dialogue lectures, laboratory tours and hands on workshops.”

Some of the programs that will be highlighted are animal sciences, agribusiness, land conservation, Indigenous studies and Indigenous STEM education and research.

Other highlights include working with CSU faculty, staff and other Native students, living and studying on CSU’s campus for five days, preparing and strengthening university applications, improving skills in research, earning one college credit and receiving information about potential scholarships.

In addition, Native students who participate in NEF may be eligible to receive a Community of Excellence Partnership Award of $2,500 to $5,000, which will be applied to their schooling annually for up to five years.

NEF participants will receive support and information from CSU admissions and financial aid officers learn more about applying and admissions for college while learning more about other scholarships that may be available through regional and national tribal scholarship organizations.

“Academic Research NEF participants gain university classroom and research experience by conducting small group research projects on contemporary issues in tribal communities,” NEF organizers said.

At the end of the five-day program, NEF students present to their family and friends at the closing reception.

Those who are interested or who would like additional information can contact Tyrone Smith at or visit NEF’s website at