
80 years ago

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, March 13, 1936

Body recovery

Sheriff Jess Robinson was in Dolores Wednesday and told the writer that few people have an realization of what a tough job it is to recover the bodies from the snow slide which recently killed six people, employees of the Hesperus Mining company on East Mancos. In addition to being hard to find the bodies, of which three remain, it is difficult to bring them out. Everything possible is being done to recover the bodies and if anyone thinks they can do better, they are welcome to try it, Though the sheriff did not say that.

Summit Reservoir

Men and teams are at work on Summit reservoir this week, excavating on the dam where a new headgate is to be installed. It is expected that the work of raising the dam to increase the storage capacity of the reservoir will be done this spring and the new headgate will be necessary in this event. The capacity of the dam will be practically doubled by this operation. The Summit Reservoir and Irrigation system is one of the most successful irrigation systems in the basin and supplies water to the farms on what is known as Summit Ridge.


We have a long letter from a college professor in which he accuses William Randolph Hearst of being a fascist and red baiter. At least we prefer Mr. Hearst to what many of our college professors are accused of: Being actual communists themselves. Any real American prefers fascism to communism. And while we hope never to see the day when either will rule in this country, anything is preferable to Stalin dictatorship. The professor is barking up the wrong tree if he expects to excite anyone around this office when he yells that someone is a fascist. He’d better look closer to home.

School news

The basketball boys are fixing up the baseball diamond this week. They are going to start practice under Mr. Hickmans supervision. Mr. Moore is going to organize a track team in the near future. The mystery of all the unpleasant odors coming from the school laboratory has been solved. It was only the biology class making tests for the sugar, proteins and carbohydrates. They haven’t made any hydrogen sulfide yet and we hope they don’t as school will probably be dismissed for the day due to the odor of rotten eggs that results from the test. The six weeks of tests are over all were waiting for the report cards. Woe be us who flunk.