
40 years ago

Taken from the Dolores Star, Friday, Jan. 30, 1976

Plywood plant closes

Montezuma Plywood Plant has closed its doors permanently, according to press release this week from Southwest Forest Industries, in Phoenix, Ariz., of which Montezuma Plywood is a subsidiary. The company reported fourth-quarter 1975 reserves losses of $9.7 million, leading to closing, phase out and disposal of five Company operations, including in Dolores.

Despite its best efforts to purchase sufficient forest service sales, Montezuma’s supply of timber under contract has diminished to inadequate levels. Extremely high costs of logging the Colorado National Forest Timber was blamed in part on pressures from environmental groups.

Wild and scenic fought

Efforts to prevent designation of the Dolores River under wild and scenic status were reinforced at a meeting in Cortez last Thursday when the more than 200 persons attending vowed to keep fighting and applauded when a mention of possibility of efforts to recall Governor Lamm was made.

President of Rio Dolores Group, James Suckla gave insight at a meeting on various activities he and others had engaged in while fighting the wild and scenic designation.

Marshall Denton pointed out land could be condemned that has timber as well as oil and gas and mineral potential such gold and silver , uranium, coal etc.

Zwicker honored

At the annual meeting of the Southwestern Colorado Livestock Association last weekend, Eldon Zwicker, McElmo rancher, was named recipient of their “Man of the Year” award which was presented by President Reece Malles at the banquet. Zwicker operates a ranch in McElmo Canyon and runs his cows in the high country above Dolores in summer.